Planet Careers winding down for Christmas? No chance. Here’s a bunch of events happening before 2017 hangs up its boots…

Money management, money for PhDs, a hefty helping of Engineering and Construction and a side order of (s)Law. See what I did there? Arf! That’s our (very) late November/Dec events menu… 24/25 November – National Engineering and Construction Exhibition, Birmingham. YES it’s happening over the next two days and YES it’s in Birmingham BUT this… Continue Reading Planet Careers winding down for Christmas? No chance. Here’s a bunch of events happening before 2017 hangs up its boots…

What does Drum & Bass have to do with graduate employability? Josie Cadwallader-Thornewill would like to clue you in.

You know how we’re always telling you that ’employability’ and ‘transferable skills’ are the things to give you the edge in a competitive job market/get you the job you really want yadayadablahblah? Well here’s a recent Brighton graduate who discovered that for herself (and more besides). Sitting comfortably? We’ll begin… Photography by Stephanie MacuikĀ  Josie… Continue Reading What does Drum & Bass have to do with graduate employability? Josie Cadwallader-Thornewill would like to clue you in.

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