Jay at Nintendo Offices

How a placement year at Nintendo helped shape Jay’s career goals

Jay Francis, a Marketing Management BSc (Hons) student at the University of Brighton, has completed a year-long placement with Nintendo UK. Working as part of the Trade Marketing and Sales team, Jay gained invaluable industry experience and practical skills that have shaped his future career aspirations.

Finding the right placement opportunities

Jay’s role at Nintendo combined trade marketing and sales responsibilities, focusing on creating marketing materials for retail partners, analysing weekly sales performance, and supporting the launch of key products. He discovered the opportunity through Careers Connect and found the Careers & Employability team instrumental in preparing him for the application process.

“I met with the placements team several times to refine my CV and cover letter. Their support really boosted my confidence, and mock interviews helped me prepare for the different stages of Nintendo’s recruitment process,” Jay explained.

The process included a personality test, a presentation analysing the gaming market (applying frameworks like SWOT analysis), and a formal interview with senior members of the team.

“The presentation stage was a great chance to use what I’d learned in my course and show how those skills could be applied in the real world. It also helped me stand out as a candidate.”

Deciding to take a placement year

Initially, Jay wasn’t sure whether a placement year was the right option, but gaining relevant experience and clarity about his career goals motivated him to apply for positions on Careers Connect.

“I knew I was passionate about gaming and tech, but I wanted to confirm that this sector was the right fit for me. The placement helped me realise how much I enjoy product marketing and gave me the confidence to pursue it further.”

Jay also noted that working with Nintendo reinforced the University of Brighton’s strong connections with the gaming industry.

Highs and lows of being on placement

During his placement, Jay worked on several exciting projects, including the launch of Princess Peach Showtime.

“I collaborated with product managers to create marketing materials and strategies for the launch, which was a big milestone for me. My managers trusted me to lead on trade marketing strategies, which was a huge confidence boost.”

Despite the highlights, adjusting to corporate life and managing a full workload presented challenges.

“I’d never worked in a corporate environment before, so it took time to adapt. Developing my professionalism and time management skills has been invaluable—especially now I’m back at university.”

Jay also found his second-year analytics module particularly useful, helping him apply theory to real-world market trends.

“We were some of the youngest people at Nintendo, so bringing a Gen Z perspective to marketing strategies was really valued by the team. It was great to see my academic knowledge make an impact.”

Advice for Future Placement Students

For students considering a placement year, Jay offered these tips:

  • Start early, but don’t give up if things take time.
    “I didn’t apply to Nintendo until March. Keep checking Careers Connect, as new opportunities appear throughout the year.”
  • Use the university support available.
    “The Careers team helped me refine my CV, write cover letters, and prepare for interviews. Their guidance was key to securing the role.”
  • Be patient with the process.
    “Applying for placements can be tough, but the experience is worth it. Even rejections are part of the learning process.”

Hazel Brown, Placements & Internships co-ordinator, added:

“Jay’s journey highlights the importance of perseverance and using Careers Connect and the placements team to secure the right role. It’s fantastic to see how his hard work paid off and the professional growth he achieved while on his placement year.”

Looking Ahead

Jay’s placement solidified his interest in product marketing within the gaming and tech industries.

“The creative side of marketing—developing campaigns and working with product managers—was my favourite part. I’d love to pursue a graduate role in gaming or tech, and working at Nintendo gave me the clarity and confidence to aim for roles at brands like Nintendo, Apple, or PlayStation.”

Reflecting on his experience, Jay said:

“Placements give you the real-world experience you can’t get in the classroom. I’ve gained skills, connections, and direction for my career, and I’d recommend it to anyone.”

careersemployabilitywork experience

Ollie Taylor • 13/12/2024

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