Paintbrushes covered in paint on a wooden table

Graduating art student? Read on for advice and opportunities

If you’re finishing your art degree this summer and uncertain about the future, remember there’s plenty of support out there from the university and beyond.

Consider how you can sustain your university network after your course finishes, for example by embarking on collaborative projects with other graduates to build on your portfolio.

Keep in touch with the wider artist community through organisations like a-n and Artquest. Sign up for artist newsletters with organisations such as Parker Harris.

a-n membership includes contact with industry experts, artist news updates and opportunity listings.  A 50% discount on a-n membership is available to 2023 graduating artists. To claim your discount email your name, email address, university/college email address, institution name and course title to  The offer closes on 31 October 2023.

Apply for a mentor through the university’s Graduate Mentoring Scheme to support you with your career goals and help build your confidence.

Volunteering is a great way to bring you work experience and employability skills! If you’re in Brighton or Sussex over the summer and looking to get some work experience to add to your CV, complement your degree or try a potential career out, contact Active Student, the university’s volunteering service.  Active Student work to support students find rewarding, safe and supported volunteering roles as part of the Careers and Employability Service. Search volunteering opportunities and book an appointment via Careers Connect . Find out more via our webpage .

If you’d like advice and guidance about your next steps or feel unclear of your direction, do get in touch to arrange an appointment with a Career Development Adviser. As a graduate of the university remember that you have indefinite access to this service.

A Snapshot of Opportunities

The Unfold Project – A Graduate Showcase 2023
Celebrating new works of art students and early career artists. Any UK based early career artist, or art student who has graduated since 2020 can apply. Successful applicants will have their work published in a curated artist book and showcased in the project’s online gallery. Full details are available on the Unfold Project website

Closing Date: 24/06/2023

The Lido Open 2023 – Artists Open Call
The Lido Open showcases the very best in contemporary art. Submissions are open for original artworks in painting, drawing, printmaking or collage. The competition winner will have a solo presentation at The Lido Stores gallery in Margate in Summer 2024. Further information can be found on the Lido Open website.

Closing Date: 31/07/2023

a-n Artists Bursaries 2022-23
a-n is offering bursaries of £500 to £1500 until August 2023. Current a-n members can apply for a bursary to support their professional development at any stage of their career. Interested? Full details available on the a-n website.

Closing Date: 14/08/2023

Need help researching and applying for opportunities?

– Explore your career options in creative arts and design via the Careers and Employability team website
– Get advice on making your CV stand out on our how to write CVs and covering letters page
Book an appointment with the City campus Career Development Adviser using Careers Connect


Ollie Taylor • 02/06/2023

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