Ey Up Governor! A Volunteering Opportunity!
Across the country, primary and secondary schools are looking to diversify their board of governors, in terms of ethnic background, sexuality and age. By having a greater range of perspectives and lived experience involved, it is thought the board will make better decisions in the interest of all pupils.
School Governors take on roles within the school to report to the board on certain aspects of the day-to-day operations, including the curriculum, diversity and inclusion, SEND (Special Educations Needs and Disabilities), safeguarding, finance, health and safety. This could include liaising with members of staff at school and may involve visits to the school, including to classrooms during teaching time.
One of our local schools has contacted Active Student to advertise a Governor role, specifically with university students in mind. West Hove Junior School are keen to hear from interested students as they believe that “by having younger people we will get a much richer mix of views and experiences. Young people are much closer to their school years than most governors which further enriches the team.”
More information on this role and how to apply can be found on Careers Connect by following this link: School Governor.
Alternatively, if you would like to know any information about other schools in the area and the possibility of joining a board of governors then please contact the Active Student Team at volunteering@brighton.ac.uk