Two engineering students experimenting with a windtunnel

Brighton Works Week 2021: Engineering and Tech focus on Wednesday 27 October

Brighton Works Week is your chance to meet employers, make connections, and learn how to stand out from the crowd.

You can pick the sessions that interest you from our themed days: Business and Banking, Public Sector, Engineering and Tech, Arts and Creative, and Health.

Wednesday 27 October: Engineering and Tech

Book on to the following sessions:

What are graduate schemes and where can I search for them? What are graduate employers looking for most in my application? This talk will discuss the different stages of the application process for graduate schemes, and how to get your enthusiasm and skills across in the best way.

We will look at how to:

  • search for graduate scheme opportunities
  • make your existing skills count in your application
  • match your skills to the role specification
  • use good examples to demonstrate your skills
  • successfully tailor your application to specific roles

We will also discuss some of the most useful resources to help you start making graduate applications.

Edwards: Graduate scheme and placements. Become part of a world-class team in a leading-edge global engineering company. Opportunities in Engineering, Research & Development, Business & Information Technology. 

Silicon Brighton is a hub for Brighton’s local tech community. They will highlight opportunities to work in the city and share information about meetup groups and technical groups where students can expand their network, upskill and find opportunities to work. 

Brighton Works WeekCareers ConnectengineeringSTEMtech

Glen Marsh • 14/10/2021

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