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Help for Students and Graduates with Mental Health conditions

The Careers and Employability Service offers confidential and impartial advice and guidance to all students and graduates. We can:

  • help you consider how best to move forward with your next steps, if you have a mental health condition.
  • advise on how to communicate about your mental health support needs to a prospective employer
  • refer to other services which can offer you additional, specialist support.

It can be useful to make yourself familiar with support services in your local area. Here you have a starting point for your own research of organisations offering employment support and resources for people with mental health needs.

National support

  • There are three national organisations offering careers and employability support specifically to students and graduates with disabilities, including mental health: EmployAbility and Myplusstudentsclub​ and Leonard Cheshire.
  • Richmond Fellowship offers a wide range of support services, including employment support, for people with mental health needs.
  • Remploy is a government run access-to-work programme for people with mental health needs.
  • As a general starting point, the Government page on disability rights and services: Work and disabled people – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

If you would like to book a careers appointment, please contact the careers helpdesk on 01273 642855 or email careers@brighton.ac.uk. You might also be interested in our page Disclosing a disability (brighton.ac.uk)

It is good to be familiar with organisations in their local area. Many national organisations (e.g. Mind, Richmond Fellowship, ReThink) might have local resources that graduates can access. Some of these organisations also have great resources on their websites.

As with other disabilities, I’d also recommend Employability and MyClubPlus as well for the work they do supporting students & graduates into employment.


Mind provide information, advice and support for people living with mental health needs.

51 New England Street
East Sussex
01273 66 69 50

Home – EmployAbility (employ-ability.org.uk)

Supporting Disabled Students & Graduates | My Plus Students’ Club (myplusstudentsclub.com)

Richmond Fellowship
Offers a wide range of housing, care, employment and community support services for people with mental health problems throughout the country.

Telephone: 020 7697 3300
Address: Richmond Fellowship 80 Holloway Road London N7 8JG
Website: www.richmondfellowship.org.uk

Bipolar UK – Employment Support Service
Support, advice and resources if you have bipolar and you are finding it hard either to get work, or to do your work when you’re there. There are charges for some of their services. Includes a booklet “An employee’s guide to bipolar and employment”, which you can download for free.

Telephone: 0333 323 3880
Address: Bipolar UK, 11 Belgrave Road, London, SW1V 1RB
Email: employmentsupport@bipolaruk.org
Website: www.bipolaruk.org/support-for-employees

Leonard Cheshire Change 100 – employment support and internships


EmployAbility: graduate employment advice and support


My Plus Student Club: https://myplusstudentsclub.com/jobs/

Job Centre Plus: https://www.gov.uk/contact-jobcentre-plus

Possibility People (charity): https://www.possabilitypeople.org.uk/how-we-can-help/

Brighton & Hove supported employment team : https://www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/content/social-care/health-and-wellbeing/supported-employment


brightonhelpmental healthsupport

Christina Keiller • 20/05/2021

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