STEM Placements CORE Workshop Series
The STEM Placements Team have devised a Pilot workshop series for February with the aim to repeat these regularly. This is for any student looking to obtain a STEM Year in Industry either in their second year or in their first year (if they want to make an early start).
The STEM team support students form the Schools of CEM, SET, Pabs as well as Product Design students. As we now have shorter term internship students in Chemistry, PCS and Civil Engineering we are also offering it to those as well. The workshops are held on MS Teams by our Placement Manager and Coordinators.
To book your FREE place simply email: STEMPlacements@brighton.ac.uk with:
- the title of the workshop you like to attend in the subject line
- confirm the date you would like to attend.
We will then add you to the relevant MS Teams group.
Each workshop is 30mins long and you have a chance to ask questions.
We look forward to meeting you and supporting your placement search!
Workshop (each session is 30 mins) | Date/Time |
How to search for a placement | Monday 8th February – 1pm |
How to create a placement CV | Wednesday 10th February – 1pm |
How to succeed at a placement assessment centre | Thursday 11th February- 1pm |
How to create a placement covering letter | Wednesday 17th February – 1pm |
How to excel at a placement interview | Friday 19th February – 1pm |
How to create a good online employability presence/have good online etiquette | Tuesday 23rd February – 1pm |
How to make an online placement application | Wednesday 24th February – 1pm |
How to use LinkedIn in your placement search/create a LinkedIn profile | Thursday 25th February – 1pm |
Photo by yanalya, www.freepik.com