Get Yourself a Careers Buddy!

Try something new today: Get yourself a careers buddy!

We all know that thinking through options, skills and opportunities can easily feel like a just going round in circles – a lot of thinking but perhaps not much forward movement.

That’s why we would like to suggest you reach out to your peers during lockdown to chat things through. It is more fun, it can make you see things in a new perspective, and you might get new ideas for how to move forward with your next steps. The good news is that the person you are chatting to will benefit too as you can lend an ear to their thinking too – so a win-win!

Here are some ideas how you can help each other: have a look at the prospects website to see what you can do with your degrees – consider what you find out and which types of work you are most drawn to. Download the Career Skills Handbook and have a go at mapping your skills, then discuss which you see as your strength, which you would like to develop further and how you might go about it.

*Review each other’s CVs! Constructive, kind and concrete CV feedback is a brilliant service to offer each other and if you need advice on what a good CV looks like, check out the Career Service CV advice pages.

All you have to do now is share this blog post with one of your peers; chances are they will be grateful for someone to chat to about their next steps and you will both feel more empowered in your career planning: when it comes to ideas, two minds are usually better than one!



Christina Keiller • 06/11/2020

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