Time for a funding round up…because there’s better things to spend money on than Christmas…

Who are you calling a grinch? Indeed. *heh heh*

Father Christmas with two unhappy childrenAttention budding researchers, unrepentant Japanophiles and Computer Science/related students with disabilities – we has lovely lovely money for one and all (possibly)…

Bookings close 30 November! Just a few days left to reserve your place at the PostgraduateStudentships PhD Funding Fair on Monday 4 December in central London. No admittance on the day without a booking. Talk to unis with PhD funding, meet PhD students to get their insights and attend talks on sourcing and applying for funding.

Deadline Friday 1 December! Google Europe Scholarship for Students with Disabilities 2018. Are you studying Computer Science or related subject, and continuing in the 2018/2019 academic year? You could win a €7,000 scholarship (worth more and more in terms of GBP the way the exchange rate is going *ahem*)…

Deadline 1 December! JSPS London Pre/Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers (Short Term). Opportunity for researchers based outside of Japan to conduct collaborative research activities with leading research groups at Japanese Universities and Research Institutions for visits of between 1 to 12 months.

Deadline 7 December! Daiwa Scholarships for study, homestay and internship in Japan + Daiwa Scholarships in Japanese Studies for study of Japan in Japan or the UK.

Deadline 15 January! JSPS SUMMER PROGRAMME 2018 FOR MPhil OR PhD STUDENTS is an opportunity to conduct collaborative research activities at a Japanese host institution for 2 months during the summer.

University of Oxford Mathematics Institute now has up to 50 fully-funded studentships for doctoral degrees. Find out more about postgrad study at Oxford and searching this and other funding streams.

Not bad eh? Look out for more dosh as we head into 2018…


Computer SciencecomputingdaiwadisabilitiesfundinggooglejapanjspsmatersmathematicsoxfordPhDpostgraduateresearchscholarshipstudentship

Paul Rothwell • 24/11/2017

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