Free event: ‘Grow Your Network’

beepurple is excited to present ‘Grow Your Network’, which takes place on Wednesday 8 November at Grand Parade campus (5.30 pm – 7.30 pm, Room G4, Main Building). Booking is essential.

This panel event features four diverse speakers all sharing their tips, experiences and unique approaches to professional networking.

It’s free to students, graduates and staff of the University of Brighton. External guests must purchase a ticket at £20.

Included in the talk

  • Why networking is important to ALL kinds of businesses – from sole traders and social enterprises to fast-growing startups;
  • How networking has created new opportunities and brought success to startup founders;
  • Get tips and ideas to start making connections today, even if you feel unsure how to begin;
  • Discover the different ways people approach networking and the secrets to developing healthy, genuine relationships.




Candice Armah, Health Bar
Former SU president and events organiser Candice is running a video games startup in Brighton. She’ll share the role networking has played in her life so far.

Sam Zubadi, Concordia
Keen networker Sam is Operations and Development Manager for an international charity. He’ll discuss his experiences building meaningful business relationships.

Kathy Caton, Brighton Gin
Kathy is founder and distiller at one of the city’s most talked-about small businesses: Brighton Gin. Find out her tips and advice.

Jim Cunliffe, Face Media Group
In a highly competitive market, Jim has established and grown a successful local print business that employs 16 staff. A highly active networker, Jim will give his perspective on the value of networking.

Reserve your place

Places are very limited. If you are a University of Brighton student, graduate or staff member book here. If you are a guest, book here.

Drinks and nibbles will be served.


Luke Mitchell • 06/11/2017

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