Calling all final year students!!

Calling all Final Year students

We want to ensure our final year students know about the main resources available; as a University of Brighton student/graduate you have access to our services for life, this applies to online resources and one to one guidance from a Careers Development Adviser, as and when you need it.

We appreciate your final semester is a very busy time, however it is also an opportunity to make sure you have everything in place to make the transition from higher education to employment more of a seamless process.  With that in mind, see below some web links which you will find useful and don’t forget you can still book a one to one appointment with a Careers Development Adviser if there is any part of your future plans you are unsure of.

If in the future you want to speak to an adviser but have moved out of the area, we can still assist you by speaking to you over the phone or via emails  – for this service simply email


careersCVemployabilitygraduateinterviewsjobsnetworkingtransferable skills

Jayson Short • 04/05/2017

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