Chance to win £250 and sharpen up your LinkedIn profile (why wouldn’t you do it?!)

You’re a final year student, you’re thinking about your next steps and that you really need to create or update your LinkedIn profile – but there is always something else more pressing or enticing to do.

So, to help you on your journey to career success we’re giving you an extra incentive – the chance to win £250!

Our Professional Profile Award 2017, in association with Partnered Thinking Ltd, will see one of our final students take home £250. Our judging panel will be looking for a complete, compelling and professional LinkedIn profile that will stand out to future employers.

Entering is really quite simple – if you are a final year student,  just complete the 3 steps below and email the following to the Careers Service’s Sam Rhodes: s.rhodes@brighton.ac.uk

  • A link to your LinkedIn profile
  • A screen shot from your ‘profile tab’ showing your photo, name, professional headline and profile strength
  • A screen shot from your ‘profile tab/who’s viewed your profile’, showing your last 90 days of profile views.

The closing date for your submission is Monday 8 May.

Haven’t got a LinkedIn profile?

Don’t worry – it’s easy to set up one up and it doesn’t take long. We’ve even written a page on our website about the ways in which it can help you and why you should be using it – just visit http://about.brighton.ac.uk/careers/find-a-job/using-linkedin/

For more advice about getting ready for a graduate career, contact the Careers Service.


Clare Taylor • 03/04/2017

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  1. Nina 07/04/2017 - 3:47 pm

    Is this just for final year undergraduates? Or can final year postgraduates apply to?

  2. Clare Taylor 10/04/2017 - 8:18 am

    Good question, so thanks for asking – yes it is open to postgraduate students.

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