Funding Opportunities in Historic Building Conservation with the Sussex Heritage Trust

The streets of Goslar (explored)

Sussex Heritage Trust – Bursaries Scheme 2017

Sussex Heritage Trust is a Registered Charity, established 40 years ago, to improve and encourage the appreciation of the architectural and natural landscape of Sussex.

As part of that vision we aim to increase and enhance the educational opportunities for young people based in Sussex, who are or hope to be in the construction industry. We have set up a programme of Bursaries in conjunction with the Weald & Downland Open Air Museum near Chichester, which supports young people attending their courses on Building Conservation techniques. The Trust will also support successful students in contributing to any travel and accommodation costs they may incur.

Below is a link to the Weald & Downland Open Air Museum Building Conservation CPD courses. The Bursary can be applied to any of the day schools and longer courses in the programme. You must be between 16-25 to be eligible. Your application should contain both a short CV and a single sheet of A4 setting out your reasons for wanting to attend the course and why you could not without the help of a Bursary.

Our Obligations:

  • We will book and pay for the course(s)
  • We will give the student up to £25 contribution to travel costs
  • We will pay for accommodation local to the museum and subsistence, where required
  • We will give the student a £50 contribution towards the purchase of additional tools on completion of the course and Evaluation Form

The Student’s Obligations:

  • The student it to attend the full course and let us know in good time if, for any reason, he/she is unable to attend
  • The student is to complete our Evaluation Form together with a shortsynopsis of the course and the benefits it has provided.
  • If the student does not attend the full course without letting us knowin good time or withdraw from it, then he/she may be required to pay back what has already been paid to them and the cost of the course.

For further information on how to apply please visit

Steven Sutcliffe • 28/03/2017

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