Fully funded overseas volunteering opportunities


Interested in volunteering abroad? It’s a great way to learn new skills, have an adventure and give something back. Sadly for many students it can be completely unaffordable so this is a wonderful opportunity.

Raleigh have fully funded opportunities with their International Citizen Service (ICS) programme , we’ve got the vacancies on our jobs board (job reference BRI161223/250) or you can apply directly via their website.

What exactly is the Raleigh ICS programme ?   ICS is a development programme that brings together young people from the UK and developing countries to volunteer in some of the poorest communities around the world. It’s led by VSO and funded by the UK Government. Raleigh run this programme in Tanzania, Nepal and Nicaragua. They have ten week placements and longer team leader roles for up to 8 months.

Don’t delay though, the deadline is 20th January !

overseas volunteering

Fiona Langdon • 09/01/2017

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  1. Mahira 09/03/2019 - 2:45 pm

    This post provides good information. I’m gonna share it with all my classmates. I am searching for fully funded scholarship and I found some at thescholarshipsblog.com but I am looking for more opportunities. Can anyone help me? thanks

  2. Fiona Langdon 10/04/2019 - 9:07 am

    Hi, we have many links on our careers service website for where to look for funding your study.
    You’ll find them here https://www.brighton.ac.uk/careers/postgraduate-study/funding/index.aspx
    Just copy and paste the address if it doesn’t create a link.

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