We’ve got all the up to date kit to help if the Spring term means assessment centres, psychometric tests, or video interviews to you

R2D2 Lost in the Number Forest

If you’ve been busy last term applying for graduate jobs or placements you are hopefully going to be focusing on the next stage of your application this term.

This might include assessment centres, psychometric tests, or video interviews to name but a few of the ways employers now use to choose future graduate employees.

Part of our job is to make sure we know about the application process and what employers are looking for when they ask you to interview etc.. so we’ve updated our website to help you prepare the best you can for any of these recruitment methods.

You can get hints and tips and an idea of how to approach these types of the application processes on our website http://about.brighton.ac.uk/careers/cvs-and-interviews/assessment-centres/

Psychometric testing in particular is becoming an increasingly popular method used by employers to gain an understanding of how you approach situations, be it via numerical or verbal reasoning. They can be daunting as they are not something that many people have come across until placement or graduate recruitment applications; there are often many more questions than applicants can finish in the given time, which adds extra pressure and sometimes is not easy for the applicant to understand what it is that the employer is looking for or going to get out of the answers, which plays games with your head in terms of how to approach them.

With this in mind we have put together a few really good resources on psychometrics to help you understand more about what each style of test is looking for and giving you links to lots of practice tests that offer feedback and how you can make the best of them. http://about.brighton.ac.uk/careers/cvs-and-interviews/assessment-centres/#resources

Practising the relevant tests are the only way of preparing for these, but the good news is that it can increase success rate by 10%.

So what are you waiting for, check the website out and get practising!

If you want to chat to one of our specialist staff about CVs, application forms, LinkedIn profiles, assessment centres or any other method of recruitment contact us on http://about.brighton.ac.uk/careers/about-us/contact-us/

Good luck! and hope to see you soon.

Image curtosy of Nomade Moderne via Compfigh

assessment centrecareerscareers adviceemployabilitygraduate applicationsgraduate jobsgraduate recruitmentgraduate schemegraduatesonlineplacementspsychometric testssupportvideo interviews

Katherine Whittaker • 03/01/2017

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