Mural Design Volunteer role – fantastic opportunity for arts, graphic design and illustration students to gain experience


Mural Design Volunteer role

For a local charity that provides free accommodation to the families of sick children and babies

Here at Ronald McDonald House Brighton we have a wonderful, comfortable, homely place to offer families with sick children. However, the staircase where families enter the building is bland and dull. We would love to brighten it up with a mural to welcome our families into the House but we are not very artistic!

We are looking for two volunteers to work together to design and create a bright and happy seaside themed mural template for a wall space either side of the first flight of stairs at the House. The volunteers will be expected to work as a team to complete the design template. We are open to ideas for the design and would welcome some creative thoughts, whilst volunteers are expected to consult with and follow guidance from the Volunteer Co-ordinator at Ronald McDonald House Brighton. 

The mural will be painted by volunteers during Student Volunteering Week 2017 on the afternoon of 22 February. It may be that as a Design Volunteer on this project you would like to see the project through to completion and get involved in painting the mural you designed! This is welcomed – applications for the Mural Painting Volunteer role are also via the Active Student Volunteering Service. (You don’t need to be available for the Mural Painting Volunteer role to apply for the Design Volunteer role however).

The project will probably be the focus of some media attention too, so there will likely be an opportunity to highlight the work you do for Ronald McDonald House, adding the details to your portfolio and of course, your CV!

Person requirements

  • Good artistic ability – adept at design/illustration in particular to produce a quality mural template that the Mural Painting Volunteers can follow easily
  • The ability to follow guidance and instruction from Ronald McDonald House and Active Student
  • A commitment to completing the design work
  • A positivity and enthusiasm for the role
  • An ability to teamwork with 1-2 others
  • Comfortable with having the project’s work publicised  in the media and at the University of Brighton.

Application process

Apply or find out more via the University of Brighton’s Volunteering Service, Active Student. Applications for the role will not be accepted outside of Active Student. 

Image: Hello Angel Creative via Compfight

Kat Saunders • 07/11/2016

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