Looking for graduate jobs/postgraduate study? Recruitment Fair Season is upon us…
You have places to be, so grab your spiffy new UoB Careers Service diaries* (or grab your ‘where do I plug these earbuds in’ iPhone or Samsung Molotov Edge 7 or whatever)
*coming soon to a campus near you so watch out!
7 – 8 October, National Graduate Recruitment Exhibition. Olympia, London. Attendees include Royal Mail, Civil Service, FDM, Ofcom, Adidas, Bosch, Tesla, BAE Systems and many more. Admission is free and full time students can claim subsidised transport. Sweet! http://bit.ly/2cqQOls
11 October, London Graduate Fair. Attendees include ICAEW, Mountbatten Institute, Transport for London, Milkround, Spicer Hart, RAF and more. Admission free, register now at http://bit.ly/1Njk7UN
26 October, Postgraduate Study Fair. London. 60+ universities attending, funding and course information, application and CV surgery. Once again, admission in free. http://bit.ly/2cIGSDw
2 November. There’s a little shindig happening at the Amex Stadium up at Falmer. Daresay you wouldn’t be interested…
Follow our blog for loads more events updates during the year, and check out the Prospects Events Calendar.
And finally…Attending a recruitment fair is one thing, but it’s the people who research and prep who make a real impression. Read our post on making the most of a Careers Fair…
Image: Job Meeting via Compfight