Looking for part time work around town? We found some and can help you apply over the summer.

Are you looking for part time work around town over the summer holidays?

Local businesses often place adverts in their windows. Don’t just hand over your CV and leave, be prepared to talk to them about their business. Show that you know what they do and are interested. Pick a time when they are not too busy and have time to talk!

Just the other day I found these tasty retail jobs whilst shopping ( note the Kamsons is in Hove, the others in the North Laines ).

July 2016 - Fiona visit and hope-shelley camping 056July 2016 - Fiona visit and hope-shelley camping 044July 2016 - Fiona visit and hope-shelley camping 045July 2016 - Fiona visit and hope-shelley camping 049July 2016 - Fiona visit and hope-shelley camping 050


Need help with you CV? We have our specialist employment advisor (me in Moulsecoomb) and our Careers Development Advisors across our other campus’ during the summer to help you make the best of your CV ready to apply for part time, summer, placement or graduate jobs. Check out our website to make sure you are getting the basics right http://about.brighton.ac.uk/careers/cvs-and-interviews/your-cv/ and then contact us http://about.brighton.ac.uk/careers/about-us/contact-us/ to book an appointment.

Keep your eye out around town for other opportunities and make sure your CV is tailored to that job. Cardinal rule of job applications  – don’t go around town just handing out a generic CV to everyone and anyone – employers know if you’ve made the effort with your application and they will appreciate if you do.

Good luck and get in touch if you want any help over the summer.

brightoncareersCVemployabilityemploymenthovejobspart time jobsstudentssummertransferable skills

Katherine Whittaker • 27/07/2016

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