Samaritans Info Stand & Active Student Drop-In @ Falmer Campus
Are you interested in developing your understanding of mental health?
Are you interested in volunteering?
Come along to chat to volunteers from the Samaritans , a charity that works to support people who are struggling to cope and need a safe and confidential space to talk; find out about their volunteering opportunities and how you can get involved.
Also, if you would like to find out about how you can get involved in any of the many volunteer roles that Active Student (the University’s Volunteering Service) promotes, come along to speak with Naomi Ashman, Volunteer Project Officer at Falmer:
Find out about:
– all the different volunteering you could do
– geting to know your local community
– meeting new people
– making a difference
– building up your CV
When? Friday 13th May, 11am-1pm
Where? Checkland Reception, Falmer Campus
With Naomi Ashman, Volunteer Officer for Active Student (Falmer) & Adele and Zoe from the Samaritans.
Click on highlighted text for more information about volunteering through Active Student; and for more info on Active Student Drop-Ins