Calling all Law students – the paper has landed…

The very nearly six years (eep) that I’ve been working in careers information has seen a steady drift away from providing resources in hard copy to online dissemination. This is of course A Very Good Thing in these carbon-conscious times, though it’s hard not to miss the pleasure of stumbling across something unexpected when browsing a book or newspaper…and no, having James Blunt CDs thrust under my nose on Amazon just because I recently bought electric toothbrush heads is NOT an acceptable substitute for the experience.

Anyhoo. My point is, one of the few areas where paper careers information still holds sway is Law (or ‘The Law’ as they insist on calling it) and this year’s shipments have just arrived at Moulsecoomb and are yours for the taking, as follows:

  • UPDATE! The 2016 Training Contract and Pupilage Handbook has also just arrived! Takeaway copies at Moulsecoomb.
  • Chambers Student Guide to Law Firms and the Bar. ‘Each law firm and chambers review is the real-life experience of many, but presented in a balanced, considered, and comprehensive form.’ Limited copies (i.e. four in total, so don’t hang about) available to take away.
  • The Lex 100. The student guide to the UK’s premier law firms. Providing advice on training contracts, vacation schemes, deadlines, law careers and more.
  • Prospects Law. Careers advice and information, job listings, conversion courses and more. Fully interactive online version also available, but we have the paper too.
  • Targetjobs Law. Information about legal careers, vacation schemes, mini-pupilages and plenty more. Online version via this link, paper version from us…no, we don’t know what the gingerbread figures are about – designers are a funny bunch at times.

While we’re talking ‘legal’ you could also check out our page on Law careers for links to specialist job sites, professional bodies and much more. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Let me know and I’ll see what I can dig up. It’s what I do. You’re welcome…

Paul Rothwell • 13/10/2015

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