Spare time this summer? Make the most of it by using volunteering to enhance to your CV…
Youth Ranger volunteer – Sussex Wildlife Trust (Brighton & Hove)
Take part in practical conservation tasks at sites around the city using hand tools. This could include planting trees and wild flowers, putting up dormouse boxes, scrub clearance, recording animal and bird species, rock pooling, coppicing, bat walks. Volunteers must be aged 16-25. Good team working skills and an interest in conservation are essential. Thursdays from 10am-3pm.
The Level Volunteer Gardening Club – Brighton and Hove City Council, Parks Project
The Level has been restored to create a high quality, well-used and vibrant city centre park welcoming people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds – while celebrating its cultural heritage and providing activities to meet the needs of today’s users. Gardening Club volunteers help with the upkeep and maintenance of the planted and landscaped areas of the park, monitoring and enhancing its visual appearance. Thursdays from 10.30am-12pm. We are flexible insofar as we do not “demand” specific attendance, though reliability is preferred.
Memberships and Administrative Volunteer (Lewes, nr Brighton) – The Charleston Trust
Charleston is a seventeenth century Sussex farmhouse that from 1916 was the home of two of the most important and influential British artists of the twentieth century – Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant. Charleston became the country retreat of a group of individuals known as Bloomsbury which included Vanessa Bell’s sister Virginia Woolf, the economist John Maynard Keynes and critics Roger Fry and Clive Bell. Today, it is a thriving house museum run by The Charleston Trust. Internationally renowned for the way it uses the house, collection and intellectual legacy of Bloomsbury as the catalyst for creativity, discussion and debate. Duties for this role will include general admin, maintaining office supplies, assisting with the preparation of hire spaces and maintaining the Charleston’s membership database. Deadline to apply is 19 August. The successful applicant will be expected to start ASAP after the deadline.
Day Service Support Volunteer – Eastbourne District Mencap
A day service each day from 10am–3pm which provides opportunities for the formation of friendships and relationships to others, to broaden and develop social interactions, inclusion and social skills. Volunteers act as support for our adults, encouraging them in their daily activities and helping them to achieve their full potential. You will be expected to help prepare the room and the materials to be used that day, help our clients get their own tea/coffee and help support at lunchtime. Time commitment is flexible but at least one full day every week is asked for.
Website/Design Volunteer – Hastings Furniture Service (from home, with some meetings in Hastings/St Leonards)
Craftivists is a project run by registered charity Hastings Furniture Service.
The Craftivists shop/venue showcases social enterprise arts and crafts made by local non-profit organisations, hosts workshops and exhibitions and generates funding for local creative community provision for vulnerable adults. We would like a new design for the Craftivists website. Volunteers are sought with either the design skills to design the look of templates or website skills to enable the template design to work. This is a stand-alone project and we’d expect the volunteer to commit to completing the project – approx. 3 months, part-time
Please contact the Active Student Volunteering Service if you are interested in finding out more.