Tagged: slideshow

Could Hi-tech accessories make cycling safer?

Former University of Brighton student Emily Brooke has once again made the headlines in a BBC News article looking at hi-tech accessories in the cyclist safety market.


Brooke’s product BLAZE is gaining worldwide recognition for it’s inventiveness and simplicity since it took crowdsourcing website Kickstarter by storm. The BBC article highlights other bike safety products such as the Hovding ‘invisible’ helmet – a bicycle helmet worn around the neck that deploys like an airbag when impacted.

There’s no doubt that hi-tech accessories will improve safety to a very vulnerable commuter market, and hopefully BLAZE and such products will achieve this sooner rather than later.

The BLAZE Laserlight is available for pre-order now from HERE (shipping January 2014)

Read the full BBC article

New Designers

 NewDesigners NewDesigners2

Good New Designers show yesterday, getting quite busy by the evening. Well done to everyone for fundraising, designing and building the stand, and looking great! Good to see some of our alumni there too, including our own Stephen Morgan helping to run the exhibition and looking super cool (see his work at http://showandtelldesign.com/). Still time to go as the show runs until Saturday – http://vimeo.com/newdesigners/showreel2012