Tagged: Brighton Product Design

Design Rights?


Interesting outcome from the Supreme Court yesterday which decided that the design of the Kiddee Case (on the left) did not infinge the registered design rights of the Trunki design on the right. Currently much debate on the impact of this on designers . . . .http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-35762610

TEDx at Brighton


The University of Brighton is hosting a TEDx event this Saturday 12th at the Sallis Benney theatre. The theme is around serendipity (creativity, enterprise and innovation) and among the speakers is our own graduate Emily Brooke. Highly recommended if you can make it – http://www.tedxuniversityofbrighton.co.uk/index.html.

BPMA competition


This promotional and marketing competition run by the BPMA and supported by Design Week and Marketing Week, might interest some of you as you start to think about the Product Launch stage of your projects. More info here –   http://www.bpma-student-design-award.co.uk/

Brighton Enterprise


9 days to go before the Santander University of Brighton Enterpise Competition closes. Lots of previous winners from Product Design around new ideas for products and services and awards of up to £2250 so give a go – http://about.brighton.ac.uk/careers/enterprise/enterprise-awards/