Category: Whats On

solar design


Space is big. Really big. And it has a foamy edge – who knew that? Prof Lucie Green clearly does, and outlined some of the difficulties in designing equipment for the forthcoming Solar Explorerer mission at a talk last week. ( If you ever doubted that design thinking and space exploration were linked, try this;

Designed and Made in Britain

data-logo.png The Design and Technology Asociation ( )have launched a Designed and Made in Britain campaign, showcasing the important role of Design and Technology in Britain. The RSA are spearheading a campaign through thisto get the government to raise the DT profile (

Triathlon and fitness show


Recent graduates Joe Wood and Marcus Burns undertook much design consultancy work in the their final year as part of the ZEST design collective. Now putting that experience and their design skills to work supporting the Triathlon and Sport Fitness Show for Sept 2016 –