Category: Blog
Living in a shipping container might not sound ideal, but careful and creative design can make this more attractive as shown by the container city in London (cred. Daily Mail) and the internal design for Brightons 36 unit container city known as RIchardsons Yar (cred Guardian). (
Design Council
The future of design
We are pleased to have great employment statistics for our graduates, to see the creative econonomy performing so well, and pleased that the government is supporting STEM investment. Design Tech A level is a factor in these succcesses, and teachers and industry are working hard to make this a dynamic and important subject. It’s hard to understand therefore why the government is not including Design Technology as one of the new eBacc core subjects. If you’d like to join a discussion around this with teachers and design tutors at the University on Novermber 26th, then let us know via
Consumer Rights Act
Much publicity in the press over the 30 day right to return goods in the new Consumer Rights Act. The Act though covers much more than this incuding unfair contract terms, dispute resolution procedures, rights to cancel and repairs, and reduced payment for shoddy service. Designers and retailers particularly need to take note of these new rules.
Design for the future competition
Bug’s world
Bike frame design
Nice research work on bike frame design from Des Covill as reported in Cycling weekly ( The full papers are here . . . and