I have spent the last four years simply growing in my experience with brushes and paints, refining

the informative skill of laying down brush strokes in a portrait. The development in my methods

occurred naturally. Whilst working I became conscious in observing a truth in that the face can be

portrayed to capture more than something merely representative of a derived physical subject,

consequently growing in this realization for the importance within the subject of portraiture. For

my perception of the potential for skilled communication is timeless. When fluency occurs in my

portraiture I feel the traditional discipline for what it will always be, a language that exhibits and

evokes that present moment.  Whilst I relax into a mixture of calm and careful thought I plan not

so many details regarding the paintings appearance. I persevere without expectation and look but

without looking for anything in particular. This prevails when I do not find what I already knew.

For me this results in achieving a blend of colour and recognizably, keeping the colour loose but

yet still strong with an overall stillness that is encompassing of life within.