Brighton Law School blog


Judicial Legal Assistant

The Court of Appeal is currently seeking applicants for a number of fixed term posts assisting the Lord Justices!

During this time in the court, those successful applicants will give invaluable help to members of the court by analysis of appeal papers and legal research, clarifying issues in advance of an appeal, and helping to sort out the shape and nature of appeals in less well presented cases.

There is no fixed profile for a successful candidate; but the post of judicial assistant is intended to provide entrants to the legal profession with a unique opportunity to work at close quarters with judicial members of the court.

  • They are seeking applicants who have graduated with, or have evidence that they are on course for, an excellent degree of a 2:1 or better.
  • Practical experience in legal research is also required, however, though experience gained in the early years of practice is valued, it is not essential.
  • As well as high intellectual ability a judicial assistant must demonstrate incisiveness and an ability to work well under pressure. Excellent IT and written skills are also essential.

Period of service: 2nd October 2017 – 31st July 2018.
Salary: For the ten month period in post – £24,579

Applications should be made through one of the following websites:

The Judicial Assistant posts will be advertised in mid-March and interviews will take place from 8th – 12th May 2017.

For further information please contact

Good luck on your application!

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Court of AppealJob OpportunityJudgesLegal AssistantLegal SkillsLegal Work

Carmen Bonal-Romero • 13/03/2017

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