Top Volunteering Opportunities: March
Here are some of the great volunteering opportunities currently available in the Brighton/Sussex area! Don’t underestimate the value of extra curricular activities on your CV – THEY ARE JUST AS IMPORTANT AS YOUR ACADEMICS. As a student you will never have more free time than you do now so take advantage of it!
And here are just a few:
Location: Brighton and Hove
Commitment: One hour per week/fortnight
Administrative Assistant
Location: Brighton and East Sussex
Commitment: 2 half days a week
Court Volunteer
Location: Sussex
Commitment: Once a week/fortnightly on agreed days
Brighton Housing Trust Mental Health Peer Volunteer
Location: Brighton
Commitment: A minimum commitment of six months
Witness Service Volunteer
Location: Brighton, Hove, Worthing, Lewes, Horsham, Hastings
Commitment: Minimum 1 day per month
Oxfam Fundraising
Location: Brighton
Commitment: Flexible, 5-20 hours per month
Fire and Rescue Service Assistant
Location: Brighton and East Sussex
Commitment: Flexible, 8-16 hours per month
Volunteer Advocate
Location: Brighton and Hove
Commitment: Not stated
Accredited Community Mediator
Location: Lewes, Eastbourne
Commitment: 18 months minimum
Youth Activity Volunteer
Location: Brighton
Commitment: Saturday daytime only
Community Rehabilitation Mentor
Location: Worthing
Commitment: 2-3 Hours per week
Police and Probation Volunteer
Location: Brighton
Commitment: A few hours a week
Community Support Officer
Location: Haywards Heath
Commitment: 2-4 hours per week
Volunteer English or Maths Tutors
Location: Brighton
Commitment: Not stated
Amnesty Book Shop Assistant
Location: Brighton
Commitment: A few hours a week
Befrienders for Kids From Struggling Families
Location: Brighton, Hove
Commitment: 2 years
Volunteer Support Worker (Adults with Learning Disabilities)
Location: Worthing
Commitment: Not stated
Young Person Mentor
Location: Brighton
Commitment: Couple of hours a week
St Johns Admin Support
Location: Brighton
Commitment: Minimum commitment of 12 months
Young People with Learning Disabilities Support Role
Location: Brighton
Commitment: Minimum commitment of 12 months
In addition to this, Active Student is the University’s official volunteering service. It can provide you with vetted volunteering placements in the local community that are rewarding, safe and supported! Whether you’re in your last year of university or your first, you can develop your employability skills, add to your CV, and make new connections.
For information on volunteering opportunities provided by the University, and how to register, follow this link.
Good luck on your applications – more opportunities coming next month!
Julie 08/03/2017 - 4:51 pm
Totally agree, Volunteering is a great way to build your experience
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منزل الشموخ 18/04/2024 - 9:46 am
تنظيف المنزل له العديد من الفوائد، ومنها:
1. **صحة الجسم والبيئة**: بشكل عام، تقلل عمليات التنظيف من تراكم الأتربة والجراثيم في المنزل، مما يقلل من خطر الإصابة بالتهابات الجهاز التنفسي والحساسية والأمراض المعدية.
2. **تحسين المزاج والعلاقات**: المنزل النظيف يخلق بيئة مريحة ومرحبة، ويسهم في رفع مستوى السعادة والراحة لسكانه. كما يمكن أن يعزز تنظيف المنزل الروابط الاجتماعية من خلال استضافة الضيوف بشكل أفضل.
3. **زيادة التركيز والإنتاجية**: بيئة منزلية نظيفة ومرتبة تساعد على تحسين التركيز وزيادة الإنتاجية في أداء المهام اليومية، سواء في العمل أو الدراسة أو القيام بالأنشطة المنزلية.
4. **الاسترخاء وتخفيف التوتر**: عملية تنظيف المنزل يمكن أن تكون فرصة للتأمل والاسترخاء، وتخفيف التوتر والقلق، خاصة عندما يتم الاستمتاع بالنتائج النهائية لمنظر المنزل النظيف والمرتب.
شركة تنظيف منازل
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