School of Business and Law’s Sharing Information on Progress Report
Our inaugural Sharing Information on Progress Report has now been submitted to the UN’s Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME).
Read the report here: SIP Report 2022
Over the past two years 2020-2022, the School of Business and Law has been through a process of rapid change. First, the Covid-19 pandemic forced us to move all teaching and learning online and working from home became the new normal for most of our staff. We implemented a host of strategies to address the digital divide and minimise the impact of this online delivery on our students’ engagement and well-being, switching to hybrid delivery when we could and now resuming full on-campus delivery from January 2022. Having reconfirmed our positioning as an on-campus HE provider, we are developing our ‘post-Covid’ pedagogic strategy to ensure that digital technologies play a supporting and enabling role to enhance the on-campus, in-person learning experience.
The school moved into new purpose-built accommodation during August 2021, welcoming students from September 2021. Elm House is designed to deliver a high-quality contemporary environment and to facilitate collaborative working that supports engagement with practice. At the same time, Brighton Business School became the School of Business and Law. Our new name reflects the growing importance and influence of our legal scholarship and teaching, which has enriched our curriculum, research, and expertise, especially in relation to SDG 16, Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions.
As an ambitious school, we welcome this opportunity to review our activities across teaching, learning, research, enterprise, and community engagement. Our first SIP will help ensure that we deliver our strategic mission across three key strands all of which link directly into the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): fairer society; prepare learners for practice; inclusive practices.