Market entry exercise making easy work of buying Christmas presents

Sugru repairing a phone charger cable. Image courtesy of Sugru and The Gadget Flow
As part of their International Strategy module, members of the 2017/18 Brighton Business School MBA cohort were given just three hours to deliver a market entry strategy for Sugru and its amazing mouldable glue product… which is amongst Time Magazine’s 50 Best Inventions.
The students analysed two potential geographical markets and considered a range of critical factors including the resources and capabilities of Sugru, the challenges that might manifest in each market, the macro factors that might create opportunities & risks, the key competitors and alternatives and the key verticals and players.
They then delivered a formal presentation of their recommended entry strategy to Katie Cannon, Head of Strategic Projects at Sugru, who had travelled to Brighton to support the exercise. Katie gave comprehensive feedback on the presentations and added a considerable layer of further insight based on her personal experience and Sugru’s hard-fought lessons.
One of the students, Adrian Pickard, fed back that “it was useful to apply our learning to some real business cases and to really understand every aspect and angle. This enabled me to get a much better grasp and understanding of what we have learnt as a whole. It was super enlightening for our upcoming International Strategy assignment too!”
Sugru had kindly supplied samples of their mouldable glue product for the students to play with in advance of the exercise, as a way of enhancing their understanding of the company. Having experienced the joys of working with the product first hand, as well as its versatility in both mending and making things, the group have already started to buy Sugru as engaging Christmas presents 🙂