When I revisited Rick Owens Fall 2012 collection and saw the models suspended upside down from the body of other models, I immediately saw the reversed characters on cards. the reflected upwards and downwards characters visually represented the format and layout of the cards subjects. This transformed the shapes of the models and created an eight limbed subject that feels unnatural and surreal. I had honestly forgotten about the double faced cards until I was reminded with this shoot- doing this would also bring my illustrations closer to a traditional format. I would be able to recreate the function of Rick Owens harnesses in post production when editing the card layouts- however I do not want all of my illustrated cards to follow this. The Rick Owens collection is suspected to be heavily inspired by the 80’s Club Kid legend Leigh Bowery- where he artistically gave birth to his wife. The cradling harness that Owens designed is basically identical to that of Bowery’s. At Wigstock Bowery gave birth to his wife for a second time, with links of sausages being pulled out to represent the umbilical cord- which he then ate. I love the performance art quality to the show and this has given me a lot to think about in terms of character relation and connectivity.