Air quality science
Air pollution is a hugely important issue for society today, with poor air quality being responsible for an estimated 310,000 premature deaths in Europe alone, and for imposing a burden of up to €189 billion on the European economy. Many of the scientific questions I investigate as part of my research into fundamental tropospheric processes, lie at the heart of contemporary air pollution problems and as such synergise with my work observing the ‘real’ atmosphere. Using the state-of-the-art Advanced Air Quality research Station (JAAQS) at the University of Brighton, we are able to probe the air we breathe in great detail and study a plethora of reactive trace species and air pollutants, including so called ‘ultrafine particles’ (UFP), for which there is emerging evidence regarding their significantly hazardous nature to human health.
The AER team has, and continues to, work on numerous collaborative projects in the field of Air Quality Science; click on the links below to find out more about each piece of work:
The Leicester Air Monitoring Project (LAMP)
Cross Channel Pollution (CCP)
The Joint Air Quality Initiative (JOAQUIN)
JOAQUIN Advanced Air Quality research Station (JAAQS)
Highlight article
“Evaluation of Biomass Burning across North West Europe and Its Impact on Air Quality”
Cordell et al., 2016, Atmospheric Environment, In Press.
Research Centers
- University of Leicester, UK
Governmental Organisations
- Department for Food and Rural Affairs; Transport for London, UK
- Flemish Environment Agency; Belgian Inter-regional Environment Agency; Flemish Agency for Health and Care, BE
- GGD Amsterdam; The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment; The Energy Research Center for the Netherlands, NL
- Ecole des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris; ATMO Nord-Pas-De-Calais, Fr
Local Councils
- Leicester City Council; Greater London Authority, UK
City of Antwerp, BE
- Province of North-Holland, NL
Non-Governmental Organisations
- Sussex Air; AirTEXT London, UK
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
University of Leicester
University of Brighton
Research Outputs
Cordell, R.L., Mazet, M., Dechoux, C., Hama, S.M.L., Staelens, J., Hofman, J., Stroobants, C., Roekens, E., Kos, G.P.A., Weijers, E.P., Frumau, K.F.A., Panteliadis, P., Delaney, T., Wyche, K.P. and Monks, P.S. (2016) Evaluation of Biomass Burning across North West Europe and Its Impact on Air Quality. Atmospheric Environment, In Press.
Hofman, J., Staelens, J., Cordell, R., Stroobants, C., Zikova, N., Hama, S., Wyche, Kevin, Kos, G., Van Der Zee, S., Smallbone, Kirsty, Weijers, E., Monks, P. and Roekens, E. (2016) Ultrafine particles in four European urban environments: Results from a new continuous long-term monitoring network Atmospheric Environment, 136. pp. 68-81. ISSN 0004-6981
Wyche, Kevin, Edwards, A.G., Monks, P.S., Leigh, R. and Davies, E. (2010) How clean is our air? Local air quality monitoring and a role for GMES