Final Evaluation
Now that the site has been completed and all elements have been finished, the project as a whole has been rather challenging in a range of different ways. To begin there have been many hurdles which have been faced throughout this assignment, including the change between developing a WordPress websites to a hand coded document, learning new skills in JavaScript and CSS grids, along with more knowledge within CSS animations and working with different issues which can arise within the mix of JavaScript and CSS.
Through working with a client it has been learnt that many last minute changes can be made to edit small elements of design, along with large ones. Although what has been learnt from this is that time management is really key in order to finish projects on time. Although this assignment has been particularly difficult with the different adjustments which have been made, the knowledge and skills that have been taken from this process can be applied to many industry situations, and being easily adaptable is also key.
The knowledge which has been gained within JavaScript is also an element in which I am proud of and would like to continuously progress, as this is an element which causes a large amount of issues for me personally, taking the time to learn and understand the main elements and how to apply these to different situations within code has really moved forward my skills. The slide show at the top of the main page would have to be the biggest hurdle which has been faced when it comes to the development of the site, as it took a large amount of time and many trial and error attempts to complete a working slider, it was a large achievement when it began working.
Along with these new skills, the use of CSS grids has been applied to this site of which was another element that had no been explored before. From understanding how to use this skill, it can be applied to all future sites and has really shown how much easier it is to use grids, rather than standard code with many individual stylings.
Overall from the development of this site, much has been learnt and the new skills which have been taken from this site are going to help throughout my career. As for the site itself the design and colour scheme work well with the images that have been used throughout the site, although if there were more time to work on the site there are a range of different changes and additions which would be made. Firstly the use of the slider at the top of the page works well, but throughout the assignment scroll magic was another element that was being learnt, but there was much trouble understanding how to utilise this tool within my own code. After many different trial attempts I was unable to achieve a working scroll effect that could be placed onto the site itself and with the time frames that were given, it was not achieved. This was an element that was disappointing when not seen on the site as it was really hoped that more animation could be included into the site, but it has taught that time management is important and when working on projects with tight time frames I need to make sure to focus efforts towards the elements that will be working and finished by the deadline. If there were more time to work on the site, more animation would defiantly be included along with different scroll effects and page transitions. Not only this but the site could be improved with the addition of a logo and possibly more content and description on the main page when more work can be added to the portfolio.
Overall I have found this assignment to really test my skills and progress my knowledge in a range of different areas, which will aid my work ethic when in industry. Although there are many elements of the portfolio which could be improved, the client was very pleased with the finished result, which in the end makes the process worth it.