Mood Boards

In order to demonstrate to the client the different styles and themes which were going to be used in the design of the portfolio a range of different mood boards were developed using different software. The first mood board was developed to show the initial thoughts for the website including the style and colour pallet which demonstrated a geometric, flat design, one page style of website. Images and graphics were very present in the design along with the use of bold colours and utilising the images which were present within the design. When showing the client this mood board, all of the designs and colour were very much enjoyed and the client was very happy with the style and look of all the different designs.

Photoshop Mood Board

After a few days of working on the designs for this website based on the images which have been seen in the mood board, the client came back and requested for the design to include some simpler elements than those which can bee seen within the mood board. This was due to their concern that the images which will be placed within the site might get lost in the bold colours which could be seen on the first mood board. To overcome this issue, another mood board was developed using a site called Pinterest, to demonstrate different designs which have a slightly smaller amount of bold colour and design, but still work to produce the same effect as the previous mood board.

Pinterest Mood board

From looking at the second mood board with the slightly subdued designs the client was much happier with the designs which can be seen on this mood board in comparison, although did still want to see some involvement of the designs which can be seen in the first mood board.



Pinterest. 2019. 19 Best Website design and development images in 2019. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 23 February 2019].




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