Personas and Scenarios

After the user testing had been collected together the next stage was to develop personas which would demonstrate the target user characteristics, allowing for the development of the site to be directly suited towards the exact type of user which would be accessing it. To develop the personas the characteristics which were demonstrated through those who worked on the user testing the previous day were taken and merged with the answers that were given for the user testing to create the type of user which would access the site. Along with taking characteristics from the users which had been spoken to the day before, social media and interior architect research was also used to access employers who are currently in the industry.

After working on the development of the personas, scenarios were then created for each character to demonstrate how the site would be used and navigated around, allowing for the development of the site to be clearly suited to those who will be using the site. When working on the scenarios from the personas, the situations would be those that target users would find themselves in when looking through the portfolio site.

Overall from collecting the data of the target user and how they would potentially interact with the site has allowed for the site to be styled for the correct user interactions and provided the information of elements which would also need to be included into the site to make the interactions of the user easier. One of these elements includes clear and simple navigation on the site, along with connections to social media and clear sections devoted to the client’s own work.


Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs. 2019. Personas | [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 12 March 2019]

Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs. 2019. Scenarios | [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 12 March 2019]

UX courses. 2019. Personas – A Simple Introduction | Interaction Design Foundation. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 12 March 2019]

UX courses. 2019. Personas – A Simple Introduction | Interaction Design Foundation. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 12 March 2019]

UX courses. 2019. What are User Scenarios? | Interaction Design Foundation. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 12 March 2019]

The UX Review. 2019. Personas – The Beginner’s Guide – The UX Review. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 12 March 2019]



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