Research Into The Current Field Of Requirements

The audience for this site will predominantly be future employers within the interior architecture industry and possibly friends and family who are interested in the student’s current work. To understand more about the target audience for this site I wanted to research into the different characteristics in which they would demonstrate, to allow for site to be easily used and enjoyed by the target user. To begin this research I started off by looking at current job advertisements for this industry to understand what companies are looking for from their employees. From looking at a range of different job descriptions it became apparent that companies are looking for designers who have new and original ideas who can clearly

demonstrate the skills which they have obtained in and outside of education. These skills will need to be clearly shown on the site to give the best impression to target employers. Attention to detail was another key point in which the job advertisements were looking for along with presentation skills which would be need to be applied to the portfolio website.

Figure 1 Demonstrating current job advertisements within this fieldĀ 

As seen in the job advertisements above (figure 1), there are many different elements which would need to be included into the site to demonstrate to the potential employer that theĀ  client is well suited to the job roles which are available.


Glassdoor. 2019. Interior Architect Jobs | [Online] Available at:,18.htm [Accessed 21/02/2019]

Interior Architects/Designers – Sunninghill – 2019. Interior Architects/Designers – Sunninghill – [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21/02/2019]

Interior Architect Jobs – April 2019 | 2019. Interior Architect Jobs – April 2019 [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21/02/2019]

Interior Architect – London – 2019. Interior Architect – London – [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21/02/2019]

Jobs. 2019. Jobs [Online] Available at:;jobs&ved=2ahUKEwi8qaeog83gAhUoSBUIHcTCBCIQp4wCMAB6BAgEEBQ#htidocid=lZTMxaDdX-kMWLQ7AAAAAA%3D%3D [Accessed 21/02/2019]

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