Today I have been reviewing a couple of comments on the planning website from locals calling for objection to the NSQ development. A common trend consisted of the following;
- More support for small businesses as the development currently puts 95 out of use and needs to introduce more to the scheme to support the local economy
- More creativity as the community of Lewes has a lot of creative skill to offer
- More leisure spaces
- A more sustainable design
There has been overwhelming support for the Lewes Phoenix Rising Development, the Lewes Phoenix Rising focuses on the creativity and next generation of small businesses coming through the youth of Lewes. There is some speculation from locals that Santons approach is to maximise profit with their development.
Phoenix Rising Promotion Video –
I also found an important link giving detail on the history of old Phoenix iron and steel works
It explains the history of the iron and steel industry and how it was used around the country, a lot of the work produced in this area went around the country in the form of architectural detailing and structures.
A march made up of over 1,000 people protested for the threat to Lewes independent business, community and unique character. They were calling for innovative affordable homes and retention of the Ironworks buildings to provide workspace for the local industries, social enterprises and youth venues.
A survey was done on the existing area of Lewes of where the proposed development is. below list some key parts of the survey,
The composition of businesses on site
In total there are 50 businesses on the remainder of the site:
- 7 centres for the arts, comprising 85 workshops/studios and 13 venues
- 13 community/charitable/educational enterprises
- 13 manufacturing & design businesses
- 12 service businesses
- 2 light industrial
- 2 construction businesses
- 1 retail business
None of these businesses has had relocation or new premises on site confirmed.
Other facts
- There are 453 jobs on the Phoenix Estate
- Weekly footfall is 3,972 people
- The site currently provides 14,109 sq metres of industrial, workshop and businesses space.
- A quarter of businesses have had discussions at some point over the last two years regarding relocation, but indicate that nothing confirmed or affordable has been offered.
- Two businesses are in advanced discussions about new premises on the development site.
- Seventy-five percent of businesses have never been contacted
(Rising, n.d.)
The full audit found:
Now that I have read about what is going on with the NSQ and found a couple of locations online where I can hear the locals talk, I think it’s time to compare Santons masterplan with Phoenix Rising and the existing area.
This will be my next task, following that I’ll start to look where Santons masterplan can be improved by implementing my ideas and Phoenix Rising proposal.
There seems to be a lot of community spirit within Lewes as seen from the festivals and events put on around the town.
This youtube video is a live debate hosted by Lewes Pheonix Rising,
A main common trend here was how they do not want Lewes to become a “commuter town”, this trend is common throughout my research which promotes my idea for focusing on the creativity small business and affordable living.
Rising, L. P., n.d. Survey of the Phoenix Estate. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 18 01 2019].