Tag: socialmedia

Using multiple social network accounts | Jamie Onisto’s blog

Companies need to go where their audience are. They might be on Facebook, but cross platform advertising helps to embed an idea deeply into the minds of consumers. In fact, a study commissioned by Google and carried out by Nielsen (2011) found that the benefits of cross platform advertising are significant. There was a 25%…Continue Reading Using multiple social network accounts | Jamie Onisto’s blog

Instagram as a Marketing Channel | Harrison Dark’s blog

Visual content is becoming more and more popular on Social Media, thus businesses need to address this shift in emphasis. Businesses, big and small, should be using every channel possible to communicate visually with their fans, customers, potential customers and so on. Instagram is one of the most used-photo sharing applications. A few statistics which…Continue Reading Instagram as a Marketing Channel | Harrison Dark’s blog

Integrating mobile and social media with e-mail campaigns | lw258’s blog

This blog has been influenced by the research of Ross (2011) who is the creative strategist at e-Dialog International. He explains how the digital revolution means that mobile and social are now the most essential tools for marketers. With the digital marketing industry being a rapidly changing one, I think it is important for companies…Continue Reading Integrating mobile and social media with e-mail campaigns | lw258’s blog

Top Tips to Improve your Facebook Page! | lw258’s blog

With the number of Facebook users increasing steadily, it is an excellent platform for companies to market their business and many have already taken full opportunity of this (Levy, 2010). It is interesting to see which of those are successful and which need some work. This blog will explore the different elements to a Facebook…Continue Reading Top Tips to Improve your Facebook Page! | lw258’s blog

Partner Categories To Target Facebook Ads | Harrison Dark’s blog

The Benefits of Facebook Advertising Before the blog goes in to a discussion regarding how to target the relevant audience, one must discuss the benefits of advertising on Facebook. It is evidential that there is an abundance of advantages when using Facebook advertising, however, this blog will identify the three key advantages. It can be…Continue Reading Partner Categories To Target Facebook Ads | Harrison Dark’s blog

Suggestions to marketers on how to successfully use social media: with examples from restaurants | Melissa Lea

Social media is becoming such an integrated and assumed part of daily life for the average person, most businesses recognise the value of using social media to increase their business and brand reputation (Kaplan, & Haenlein 2010). Social media has fundamentally changes the way companies communicate with their customers. It is more critical than ever…Continue Reading Suggestions to marketers on how to successfully use social media: with examples from restaurants | Melissa Lea

How should home furnishing companies use Social Media? | Emily Gailer

he UK home furnishings market is positioned as part of the home furniture industry. This contributes a whopping £9.4bn to annual GDP, a figure that took me by surprise due to its sheer size. Industry revenue is projected to grow by 4.9%, which didn’t take me so much by surprise considering that the Government’s Help…Continue Reading How should home furnishing companies use Social Media? | Emily Gailer

The Dos & Don’ts of the Social Media H#shtag | Luke Rudd’s Blog

The world of the social media hashtag is a complicated one. Often overused by users, the hashtag was originally designed to help consumers identify their topic of interest by keyword search. However, in a plight of excitement, consumers have gathered a stranglehold over brands as they struggle to rise above social media hijackers. Following some…Continue Reading The Dos & Don’ts of the Social Media H#shtag | Luke Rudd’s Blog

Are you wondering how Social Media could impact your business? Here are 10 benefits every start-up company should know.. | Emily Gailer

The average person is reputedly exposed to 2,000 or more marketing messages every day, a figure that might take you by surprise! As Weber, (2009) states, marketers should participate, organise and encourage social networks in which people want to belong. This encourages vital engagement; instead of talking at customers, marketers can talk with them. The…Continue Reading Are you wondering how Social Media could impact your business? Here are 10 benefits every start-up company should know.. | Emily Gailer

Few tips for local businesses to get your Facebook Strategy Started! | gf60’s blog

Facebook is currently simplifying the ease of access to online advertising for any offline business that did not have the resources to promote themselves in the past (Clark, 2014). With social networks everyone is connected no matter the geographic location, creating a powerful ecosystem. As agued by Nadkarni & Hofmann (2012), people wants to feel…Continue Reading Few tips for local businesses to get your Facebook Strategy Started! | gf60’s blog