Tag: emailmarketing

‘Hi there valued customer no. 1756….’ – A look at email personalisation: its benefits, when it goes wrong and how to avoid it. | seh32’s blog

With an ever increasing number of emails hitting our inboxes every day, customers’ expectations of email campaigns are higher than ever, and with more competition to get their emails noticed, businesses need to ensure their email are targeted, creative and personal (The Marketer, 2012 and Smith, 2014). According to Smith (2014) 64% of people prefer…Continue Reading ‘Hi there valued customer no. 1756….’ – A look at email personalisation: its benefits, when it goes wrong and how to avoid it. | seh32’s blog

What to consider when creating a viral e-mail campaign | lw258’s blog

When creating a viral e-mail campaign it is essential to think about different components of this method of digital marketing. Outlined in this blog are the factors I think are most important when creating an e-mail campaign. Subject Line The subject line is key as this will normally determine whether a user will open an…Continue Reading What to consider when creating a viral e-mail campaign | lw258’s blog

Email Marketing for a small business: Striking the right email tone with customers | Stef G’s blog

The right tone of voice is key to establishing a businesses and the way customers view the business. According to Cummings (2015) a tone of voice is… ‘’not what you say, but how you say it. This encompasses not only the words you choose, but their order, rhythm and pace. Rather confusingly, when seen in…Continue Reading Email Marketing for a small business: Striking the right email tone with customers | Stef G’s blog

Tick-Tock the Mouse Hit Send – When is the best time to send your email campaign? | lol10’s blog

Here are some tips, adapted from Marrs (2014), to consider when deciding on the timings you’re going to trail for your email campaign: Happy Monday – not quite. The consensus is to avoid sending emails to people on a Monday. The likelihood is that they will be catching up on things to do and organising…Continue Reading Tick-Tock the Mouse Hit Send – When is the best time to send your email campaign? | lol10’s blog

The not so standard email click-through rate advice. | lol10’s blog

Having read and researched the different ways you can improve email click-through rates, it seems as though it would be hard not to achieve an increase. However, it’s something that many organisations still grapple with and are constantly looking to improve but the advice out there quite often seems repetitive and ticks the boxes of…Continue Reading The not so standard email click-through rate advice. | lol10’s blog

Email marketing frequency: Engaging or alienating customers? | Stef G’s blog

Frequency of sending emails is an important part of building customer relationships: too many might irritate and too few could lose the recipient’s interest (Ellis-Chadwick & Doherty, 2012). This fine line is hard for emarketers to comprehend. Relationships between customers are crucial for companies to maintain, as its all about trust. However, the amount of…Continue Reading Email marketing frequency: Engaging or alienating customers? | Stef G’s blog

Email Personalisation: How personal is too personal?

Organisations are becoming more and more aware of the benefits of personalising and tailoring communication to their customers, particularly emails (Hoffman and Novak, 1996; Postma and Brokke, 2002). With the vast amounts of personal data collected on consumers it can be difficult to know what information to use to personalise the emails. Include too much…Continue Reading Email Personalisation: How personal is too personal?