Every day consumers are bombarded by standard banner advertising, to the point wherein browsers can be ‘banner blind’ and ignore advertisements (Lee & Cho, 2010) This change in customer preference has lead to 9 out of 10 organisations going beyond traditional advertising and instead enhancing brands by publishing relevant information, ideas and entertainment that customers…Continue Reading Content Marketing For Small Businesses – James Wragg
Content Marketing: How are JISA providers doing it? | Content Marketing and Social Media
Evidence strongly suggests that content marketing can be very valuable in terms of building consumer trust and reputations of expertise (Kristen, 2013). This is particularly important in financial services as consumers now demand to see evidence before trusting in financial service providers since the 2008 financial crisis sent trust levels plummeting (Johnson and Peterson, 2014)….Continue Reading Content Marketing: How are JISA providers doing it? | Content Marketing and Social Media
What factors determine the reach of your content? | Content Marketing and Social Media
While a full blown viral campaign may seem unachievable for many, studying what drives the most successful viral campaigns could provide valuable insight to content marketers in terms of creating communicable marketing content. So what are the key factors for successful traction of marketing campaigns across the web? Triggering an Emotion Berger and Milkman (2012)…Continue Reading What factors determine the reach of your content? | Content Marketing and Social Media
What are organisations using social media for? | Content Marketing and Social Media
Research shows that 88% of marketers are using social media (Whiting and Williams, 2013), but without strategic marketing planning and specific goals in the long run, over-extension and lack of vision can lead to the failure of any marketing activity (Abdallah and Langley, 2014). So what is the purpose of having a corporate social media…Continue Reading What are organisations using social media for? | Content Marketing and Social Media
Blogging about blogging and the benefits! | zh38’s blog
Eridon, C. (2013) details how blogging can help drive traffic to your website through organic searches. Each and every single indexed page is yet another cue to google that your site is active. Consequently, every new indexed page is another opportunity to show up within search enginges and drive traffic towards your website and for…Continue Reading Blogging about blogging and the benefits! | zh38’s blog
Content marketing? Content strategy? Whaaaaat? | zh38’s blog
What’s the big deal about content marketing anyway? Well, figures provided by Chang, S. (2013) detail that 86% of B2C companies in 2013 were planning to keep or increase their content marketing budget with 54% of B2B companies planning to do the same (see the graphs below). This demand is ever-increasing and surely this increasing…Continue Reading Content marketing? Content strategy? Whaaaaat? | zh38’s blog
Infographics: A Primer on Its Digital Influence | Luke Rudd’s Blog
In this post I will be looking at examples of infographics and specifically why they should feature within your marketing strategies for the future. Visual Learningternet live stats, 2015) the pressure has intensified to polarize ones digital offerings in a fiercely competitive environment. In fact according to data from Tony Haile of Chartbeat (2014), the…Continue Reading Infographics: A Primer on Its Digital Influence | Luke Rudd’s Blog
Why Your Landing Page Matters | Sophie Wood’s blog
Online advertising has become a prominent force in an organisation’s marketing activities, with the standard approach seeing companies create adverts based on modelling the user’s needs and interests. However, there is a surprisingly low level of effort dedicated to what actually happens after an advert is clicked on (Becker et al, 2009). Advertisers spend obscene…Continue Reading Why Your Landing Page Matters | Sophie Wood’s blog
Creating Contented Content and Examples of Best Practice | jb597’s blog
Content marketing is defined by the Content Marketing Institute (2015) as ‘a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.’ In other words its the creation of media and a way of engaging with your…Continue Reading Creating Contented Content and Examples of Best Practice | jb597’s blog