Tag: bbsdigmarket

Amy’s blog, xo

Advertising on Twitter takes the form of promoted accounts and promoted tweets. Twitter (2015) describes its promoted accounts as ‘ad units that are included in Followers campaigns. They enable you to quickly gain relevant followers – 70% of whom provide free advertising through Retweets and 43% will make multiple purchases in the future.’ via Amy’s…Continue Reading Amy’s blog, xo

What makes people follow a fashion retailer on Instagram? A few tips to increase your following | Iman Barakat

With the rise of social media and the emergence of smart phones, a whole new world of opportunity has surfaced for companies to produce and maintain customer relations (Bergström& Bäckman 2013). Customers now expect a company to be present on social media therefore it is necessary for a firm to be actively engaged on social…Continue Reading What makes people follow a fashion retailer on Instagram? A few tips to increase your following | Iman Barakat

Facebook contests: exploring different methods of Facebook marketing | Iman Barakat

Whilst consumers gradually choose brands on Facebook as trusted sources of information, new opportunities arise for businesses to build unique brand awareness and viral marketing platforms (Holzner, 2008). Social media marketing provides businesses a whole new dimension to marketing as it offers interactivity to the users, particularly on Facebook (Logan, Bright, & Gangadharbatla, 2012).With over…Continue Reading Facebook contests: exploring different methods of Facebook marketing | Iman Barakat

How To : Start Vlogging For Your Business | Amy’s blog, xo

Vlogging is a fantastic tool for not only marketing your products but also some E-PR (electronic public relations), it allows you to maximise favourable mentions about your brand, company website etc… and potentially drive some traffic towards your website! It will also give you the opportunity to minimise your negative E-PR by monitoring and influencing…Continue Reading How To : Start Vlogging For Your Business | Amy’s blog, xo

Kayleigh Digi Law’s Busines Blog

What is SEO? Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is essentially the process maximising where your website ranks in an internet search (Spais, 2010).Popular internet search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing, store information on website content for every website available, and use ‘ranking algorithms’ to churn this information in to ‘search results’ which are ranked…Continue Reading Kayleigh Digi Law’s Busines Blog

Social Media Login – is it right for your business? – James – Wragg

Social media has proliferated almost all aspects of our lives and our social media accounts contain a lot of information about us. In a nutshell Social media login is the practise of using our social media identities to authenticate ourselves and sign up to websites (Instead of manually registering by filling out a form) (Kontaxis,…Continue Reading Social Media Login – is it right for your business? – James – Wragg

Content Marketing For Small Businesses – James Wragg

Every day consumers are bombarded by standard banner advertising, to the point wherein browsers can be ‘banner blind’ and ignore advertisements (Lee & Cho, 2010) This change in customer preference has lead to 9 out of 10 organisations going beyond traditional advertising and instead enhancing brands by publishing relevant information, ideas and entertainment that customers…Continue Reading Content Marketing For Small Businesses – James Wragg

Where should I place my Social Media Icons? An evaluation into the best location for the icons: with examples from various websites | Komal Joshi’s Blog!

According to Mohan, for web pages, it is best that the social media icons are placed at the top of the page in the header region that is most clicked, viewed and used by the visitor. Essentially, it would be useless for the icons to be placed at the bottom of the webpage, when most…Continue Reading Where should I place my Social Media Icons? An evaluation into the best location for the icons: with examples from various websites | Komal Joshi’s Blog!

Exploring the world of Email Marketing (and some helpful tips) | kps13’s blog

The power of email has always remained a useful tool for many companies to virtually reach out to customers and suppliers etc (Cases et al,2010). Many marketers today still try to make use of email marketing as a strategy due to its undying popularity (Mohammadi et al, 2013) as the ‘killer app’ of online marketing…Continue Reading Exploring the world of Email Marketing (and some helpful tips) | kps13’s blog

What is the best way to present and position your Call To Action (CTA)? The Lessons of creating, presenting and positioning CTA’s with examples: Part One | Komal Joshi’s Blog!

What does an Effective CTA look like? Is the CTA on your website effective? Does it successfully draw the attention of your buyers? Where should it be placed? Above the fold? Below the fold? At the bottom of the page: using AIDA? Embedded in an amongst all the clutter on your website? A Call To…Continue Reading What is the best way to present and position your Call To Action (CTA)? The Lessons of creating, presenting and positioning CTA’s with examples: Part One | Komal Joshi’s Blog!