‘Personalised marketing’ is fast becoming the new digital marketing trend – it’s purpose is to adapt products and services (in this case emails!) by using information that has been inferred from the consumers behaviour or transactions. Personalisation and customisation are different; the marketer is in charge of personalisation not the consumer (Montgomery & Smith, 2009).
It gives marketers the ability to tailor email content based on demographics, interests, location or even purchase history, reaching the mass audience by each email with something that seems personally relevant (Daykin, 2015). Personalisation will eliminate tasks for consumers and allow marketers to better identify the user’s needs and goals from past behaviour (Montgomery & Smith, 2009). The likelihood is that you will pay more attention to emails relevant to you and get annoyed by others that are irrelevant or spam. With the increase of people using mobile to read their email, personalised marketing is also effective on your mobile – mobiles are a very personal item and you expect to only receive communications via mobile that are personal to you (Daykin, 2015).