Day: April 7, 2016

Digital Channels for Book Retailers | Catalinas Digital Footprint

Continuing our investigation into social media campaigns as a successful digital marketing strategy its worth to look at how other book retailers/competitors have used digital channels. New emerging technology, innovation and creativity have pushed book retailers into a digital frenzy. Borders & Books is a prime example of how volatile the book retailing industry can…Continue Reading Digital Channels for Book Retailers | Catalinas Digital Footprint

The importance of vloggers and how they can enhance your brand image | Maria’s Blog

The reason why brand blogging or vlogging is so influential is because it gives a sense of transparency in communication for the consumers. They share information of value that people engage upon (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick, 2012 p537). For instance, make-up vloggers will give positive or negative reviews on the products they’ve been using and this…Continue Reading The importance of vloggers and how they can enhance your brand image | Maria’s Blog