Month: March 2016

Do first impressions count? The power of a good website | Digital Marketing

Nowadays the modern consumer expects not only an online presence from business and brands but an optimised, well designed website (See Taylor, 2012: Building a Business Website: A Small Business Guide). This is unfortunately no longer a job that can just be delegated to the technical department as Thelwell (2000) states that website design should…Continue Reading Do first impressions count? The power of a good website | Digital Marketing

4 Reasons to Launch your Confectionery Product using Social Media | Bethan’s Blog

Social media has changed a lot in the world of marketing. Various forms of social media (, 2016) It allows companies to connect and communicate with a huge audience at just a click of a button, without having to spend a lot of money. Also with so many different forms of social media available, there…Continue Reading 4 Reasons to Launch your Confectionery Product using Social Media | Bethan’s Blog

‘Gamification’ in Online Shopping Experience… Why the Fashion Industry will benefit? | Shivani’s Digital Marketing Blog

Gone have the days where gaming techniques are limited to computer games, ‘gamification’ is the use of game mechanics in non-game scenarios to motivate the audience to higher and more meaningful levels of engagement (Gartner, 2016). Gamification is not only limited to those online gaming geeks but marketers across all industries, including fashion, beauty and…Continue Reading ‘Gamification’ in Online Shopping Experience… Why the Fashion Industry will benefit? | Shivani’s Digital Marketing Blog

How useful are non-E-commerce websites for local businesses? | Lord of the Blogs

Websites are important. It is definitely one way to ‘influence buyers’, as suggested by Huizingh & Hoekstra (2003). However, what if your company does not sell items over the internet? Find your website objectives Burby (2006) implies that it is imperative to find the objectives that your website needs. For example, if you are a…Continue Reading How useful are non-E-commerce websites for local businesses? | Lord of the Blogs

Three digital marketing strategies all holiday comparison sites should adopt or risk failure in 2016 | Chloe’s Digital Marketing Blog

Customer loyalty is the result of consistently positive emotional experience, physical satisfaction and perceived value of an experience, which includes the product or services (Ivans & Shaw, 2002).Industry expert Gian Caprini (2015) from Expedia suggests that consumers have tried and tested a range of providers and are now beginning to establish which provider they want…Continue Reading Three digital marketing strategies all holiday comparison sites should adopt or risk failure in 2016 | Chloe’s Digital Marketing Blog

3 Great (and Easy) Ways to Promote and Increase Your Twitter Follower Count for Business | Yuya’s Digital Marketing Blog

Social media followers are crucial to increase your customers. However, it can be a hassle to think of ways to increase your follower count, especially for start-ups. So, here are three simple yet effective ways to boost engagement and have your twitter follower count go through the roof! Source: 3 Great (and Easy) Ways to…Continue Reading 3 Great (and Easy) Ways to Promote and Increase Your Twitter Follower Count for Business | Yuya’s Digital Marketing Blog

How can events companies utilise Instagram to emulate their brand’s ethos? | Digital Marketing Blog

Events companies are frequently seen as innovators in the world of social media and digital marketing. Brands often utilise Facebook event pages, digital ticketing and cross-platform promotional tools to enhance their event marketing. In this post I will explore the various ways different events companies utilise the image-based social media platform ‘Instagram’ to emulate the…Continue Reading How can events companies utilise Instagram to emulate their brand’s ethos? | Digital Marketing Blog

How to make a small company’s portfolio visible online effectively to targeted customer/ vendors | one two three

In general, most companies and businesses want to optimize the visibility of their portfolio to as many consumers as possible. However, it might not be the case for small bespoke service providers due to limited recourses and capacity. For example, most bespoke wedding planners accept limited number of wedding a week, therefore they are more…Continue Reading How to make a small company’s portfolio visible online effectively to targeted customer/ vendors | one two three

3 Ways Fashion Brands Use Digital Storytelling As Their ‘Secret Sauce’ of Social Media | eren gencler

‘Storytelling in the fashion industry can open up a world of creativity, when done right. It all begins with knowing your brand and understanding your audience. Once that is established, it’s all about making an emotional connection with your consumers,’ (Mines, 2015). This emotional connection, if done correctly, can ensure engagement in consumers and thus…Continue Reading 3 Ways Fashion Brands Use Digital Storytelling As Their ‘Secret Sauce’ of Social Media | eren gencler