With only 2% of brands making it to the YouTube Elite, do you stand a chance? | Natalie Golding

With more than 1 billion users and 300 hours of video being uploaded every single minute (YouTube, 2015), YouTube is fast becoming the world’s go-to video platform. The platform states that 6 billion hours of video are being watched monthly, spanning across 56 countries and in 61 languages. The important thing about YouTube is that users are very much in control. They expect brands to inform, entertain, and provide utility to them, when, where, and how they want it (Google, 2015). So where do the biggest brands sit within all of this? Well, Touchstorm’s study ‘The Touchstorm Video Index’ discovered that within the top 5,000 channels on YouTube, an elite group with at least 43 million views each, only 74 members are brands, or in a harsher statistic, just a slim 2%. Samsung have 5 channels on this list, all from different product groups, more than any other brand. Also, interestingly, The Mormon Church outranks three of the top major brands, Apple, Microsoft, and IBM. Perhaps most shocking of all, out of the top 100 brands on YouTube, 50.4% of their content receives less than 1,000 views, as shown below.

via With only 2% of brands making it to the YouTube Elite, do you stand a chance? | Natalie Golding.

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