Thougtful Guardian piece advocating #socialmedia for capturing the zeitgeist like like Hecht in 20s Chicago. Lots of references to great map makers of the urban, Runyon & Chandler… And a call to action for “longform” social media global reportage…Continue Reading Twitter and Instagram users can learn a lot about capturing the zeitgeist from a 1920s Chicago journalist
When data gets creepy: the secrets we don’t realise we’re giving away
When data gets creepy: the secrets we don’t realise we’re giving away…Continue Reading When data gets creepy: the secrets we don’t realise we’re giving away
Creepy app warns of an end to privacy |…Continue Reading Creepy app warns of an end to privacy |
How Faceboook’s Tor service could encourage a more open web
How Faceboook’s Tor service could encourage a more open web…Continue Reading How Faceboook’s Tor service could encourage a more open web