Centre for Aquatic Environments

News and events from the Centre for Aquatic Environments

World Wetlands Day 2nd February and World Seagrass Day 1st March 2022

Raising public awareness on the importance of seagrass meadows is central to efforts in the protection and conservation of seagrass meadows worldwide. The international seagrass research and conservation community, together with the undersigned, call on the United Nations to declare a World Seagrass Day to recognize the importance of seagrass meadows to the health and well-being of the planet, as well as the people, communities, flora, and fauna that rely on them.

World Wetlands Day 2nd February

A celebration of World Wetlands Day takes place annually on 2 February

There is a grant available which has a deadline of 2nd March 2022 – details can be found here


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Suzanne Armsden • February 9, 2022

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