Centre for Aquatic Environments

News and events from the Centre for Aquatic Environments

Visit to the Centre for Aquatic Environments by Government of Bangladesh Delegation

The Centre for Aquatic Environments was delighted to host a senior delegation from the Ministry of Water Resources, Government of Bangladesh, on 9th February 2022 to build cooperation and share international best practice in water-related research and teaching. Centre members were able to show the delegates our laboratories and other facilities, and there was particular interest in the array of drones the Centre uses for many of its activities.  There was then a very productive discussion, including an overview of water-related issues in Bangladesh and a desire for greater partnerships between the two groups, particularly in terms of research and the post-graduate courses the Centre supports.

Delegates from the Government of Bangladesh and CAE meet next to a Centre drone to discuss research and teaching partnerships

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Suzanne Armsden • February 10, 2022

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