
Ben Ronnie

Other Today Studio

WHAT: Sewing project made to help others during difficult times.

HOW: Distributed design to help others recreate this project within their home.

WHY: To provide comfort and support when we are unable to see our loved ones.


How might we bring comfort during isolation?
This is the “Me To You” project. A simple guide on how to create pillows with basic sowing techniques.
During the Covid-19 pendemic, many of us have experienced loneliness in our isolation. The Government lockdown has prevented us from seeing and interacting with loved ones. What if we could give a reminder to our friends and family that we are with them? Could we provide support from afar?
By using our spare clothes we can create an object to stand in for us when we cannot be together. Using any item of clothing to create casing and stuffing, we can gift our loved ones with a pillow that has a familiar smell and touch. Using simple tools and skills, it can be recreated almost anywhere.
The “Me To You” can help keep us connected when we have to be apart. A present to help bring comfort, and help us know we aren’t alone.
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