new direction and experimentation

I have decided that my outcome for this project I want to create a zine and add fabric to the pages of the zine, I also want to create a larger piece maybe a canvas with images stuck on along with the fabric textures over the top. In this picture I have been experimenting with imagery and textures and the general layout for my zine. I found some random pieces of paper with imagery on (a random images from Pinterest and a painkiller pan flit) to use as a sample and then started adding textures such as ripped tights and other random pieces. I really like this development in my work.

things I’ve been working on plus change of plans

I’ve decided to change the outcome of my project, I wanted to create surrealist clothing via upcycling, due to the small amount of time I have left I’ve decided to just create some imagery within the themes I’ve chosen. I now have a direct passage and image for what I want to create. ‘Spiralling Down the Rabbit Hole’ is now what I want to to call this project as I’ve been struggling with personal issues recently and I think the way it has pan out is like falling down the rabbit hole, also in ode to Alice in wonderland which correlates to the surrealist part of my project. Im going to attempt to make a small zine in the time I have left and keep the upcycling idea for my FMP.

here’s some experimentation imagery which I might include in my mini zine

Nuclear Swamp Princess Set

Research through making: I made a top and shorts set made from an old tank top I up cycled by sewing broken tights and ribbon on it, I also added some fabric paint which I applied from a spray bottle to give the set a moldy look. The shorts where made from the top part of the tights, spray paint and ribbons sewn on. These images are to showcase the set which was styled using items from my wardrobe (all second hand). I edited these images on my phone as this is just a practice of what I want to explore when I start actually planning photoshoots for the research project. I wanted to edit these images to look nuclear to explore the surrealism of nuclear disasters. These events are so rare that when they actually happen it feels surreal, this allows me to explore surrealism as a feeling as well as an art style.

Research through making (getting back into a study rhythm)

For my current project I want to look into surrealism in art and media and give it a fashion approach by up cycling and/or creating clothing items that have a surrealist effect. I also want to experiment with surrealist photography. These are ideas id like to take further with my FMP. To start myself off I up cycled a top and skirt combo, whilst these items aren’t really that surreal, they are quite odd and unique. However this outfit is not yet complete as id like to epicycle more things to match it and create a more surrealistic look, my next item will be a pair of jeans which id like to paint the same way I painted the denim skirt.